Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bike Line history "Harley"

In 1903  
William S.and Arthur Davidson make the first production Harley-Davidson® motorcycle available to the public. A racer, the bike has a 3-1/8 inch bore and 3-1/2 inch stroke. Thier factory was a 10 x 15-foot wooden shed with the words "Harley-Davidson Motor Company" crudely written on the door. Brother Walter later joins the team.

The first Harley-Davidson Dealer opens for business, C.H. Lang of Chicago, IL . They sell one of the first three production Harley-Davidson motorcycles built.

Harley Davidson wins a race in Chicago, the same year they hire their first full-time employee

A need to expand demands a new building and a new factory is built on the Chestnut St. site, (later to be renamed Juneau Avenue). The new factory measures 28 x 80 feet.
HD's  first motorcycle sold for police duty is delivered to the Detroit, MI, Police Department.

The six-year-old Harley-Davidson Motor Company introduces its first V-twin powered motorcycle. With a displacement of 49.5 cubic inches, the bike produces seven horsepower
Also the same year, Harley makes spare parts for their motorcycles available.

HD uses their famed "Bar & Shield" logo for the first time and is trademarked at the U.S. Patent office one year later

The F head engine becomes the main power plant for HD motorcycles and will remain so until 1929

HD goes International with it's first sales outside the US. the country is Japan.

Harley opens a Racing department. Harley also introduces the Forecar delivery van.

Harley offers side cars, and the V-twins and F heads now have brake and clutch pedals availlable

Three speed (sliding-gear) transmissions are made available, which means the final and primary drives are on the same side.

With the U.S. Army having purchased nearly 1/3 of all the Harley Davidson's produced, it means that the first American to cross into Germany after the signing of the Armistice does so on a Harley Davidson.

H-D introduces the SPORT model, a 37 inch opposed V-twin. The cylinders are directly opposed and flat.the bike is reknownd for the quietness of it's engine.

By 1920 Harley Davidson becomes the largest motorcycle mfgr in the World. H-D is sold in 67 different countries.


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