Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Just how much cash is involved?

In 2011 the Connecticut tax went from $3.00 to $3.40 for a 20 pack of cigarettes, that is $34.00 per carton, not counting Federal tax. Which leads me to ask how much does the State make annually charging tax for an addiction? The State knows they can get the tax because people are addicted and it is hard to quit. Sort of like trying to live without gasoline, (Figure how much they make off that per year). What I find funny is that the State comes out with all this anti smoking literature (as if smokers don't know it's bad for them), then they pass laws treating smokers as lower life forms even though they rely heavily on that income. 

So something to think about, what do you suppose would happen if everyone in the State quit at once? 

Perhaps if the State is so all fired determined to have people quit smoking (guess again) they would use the money to fund free  programs to help smokers quit. You know why they don't right?   They want that money...don't let then fool you. Why do you think there has never been any major advances in alternative fuel for vehicles,Government wants your cash. Take the Fuel tax money, pay the auto industry to re-tool for another source, hydrogen perhaps. California has the Hydrogen corridor, why? Because a forward thinking man became Governor. 

Think about this, at $3.40 a pack, smoking two packs a day (me), that is $6.80 a day, multiple that by 356. That comes out to $2420.80 a year I pay the state to kill myself slowly. If there were only 100 smokers in the state that would be $242,080.00 a year. I am willing to bet there are more than 100 smokers in the state, It is safe to say there are at least a thousand ($2,420,800.00).  Maybe what everyone should be asking is...where is All that money going. Maybe the State should be kissing our asses.


cigaette tax information from:

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