Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Don't you just love this weather?

      I do like one aspect of the snow, it weeds out the weak, sort of like natural selection. You can see it during every snow storm, thousands of people driving along, maintaining control of their vehicles, then there are the "Four Wheel Drivers" you know the ones, In good weather they go out and buy All Wheel or 4 Wheel drive vehicles and they cruise around feeling superior as they look down from their immortal heights at the lesser life forms running around them at their feet. They are the Vehicle Gods, they can run through Mud and grass and sand and gravel. Then...Winter arrives...They hit the roads and highways like invincible beings and you get to witness their smug stupidity as they blast by you in the snow and slush. They leave you behind in their wake as they sit upon their elevated thrones. Then....they learn a lesson...and you get to witness the fall of the mighty...they find they are not invincible. You can see this every year in places like Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, all along the interstate the mighty have fallen, there they sit, in all their glory, down embankments, entangled in guard rails, laying on their sides and roofs as the owner stands next to their mighty machine trying to figure out just what the hell happened. We can tell them, correct? It is simple, they were Stupid. Sure those fine over-sized vehicles are good for going through mud and sand, sure they can dig their way through snow, that's what they were designed for, They were not designed for ice or high speed runs on slush and slime. The design of the all wheel and 4 wheel drive vehicles is that you can get out of something if you are stuck, or they climb grades in slippery conditions, what the owners have to learn is that they will also get you into trouble as fast as get you out. On days like today we get to see it even way down south in Connecticut. It took me a half hour in traffic to get eleven miles on I-95, I didn't mind, I got to drive by two of the fallen mighty. 


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