This is the poem that Vinny Pons found online and Danny Dunn read at Randy Jacques' funeral service.
It hurts so bad, to say goodbyes,
Pain is felt, with tear filled eyes,
The news we dread, want not and fear,
Suddenly reality, becomes crystal clear,
Knowing the risk, and chances we take,
We start up our motors, the trip we do take,
With freedom, and passion, the wind in our hair,
You may not have made it, but we'll meet you there,
I'm not sure when, but I'll see you my friend,
Making sure that your journey, never will end,
Riding beside you, our spirits set free,
All of us bikers, together we'll be.
Author Unknown
Randy may have been a fairly new member, but he jumped in with both feet! He will be missed and every time I ride by his gravesite on Rt.32 I think of him and feel him riding beside me.