Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's funny how things change

Up until this year I have always avoided riding in the rain, I avoided it like the plague. Sure I've ridden in the rain, but it usually wasn't by choice, It would happen when I was somewhere I didn't want to be trying to get where I did want to be. But I would never wantonly head out the door in the rain. I wouldn't even take the bike out if it looked like rain.

This year has been different, Danny and I rode in the downpour at the Veterans Remembrance ride and it was a blast, I have actually never had so much fun on a poker run. Since then I have been out numerous times in the rain, and I find it enjoyable, almost relaxing. The reason may be the Glide, with the V-Star there was a windshield but that was it. Rain came over it, around it and up from the bottom. Last year the Glide had the full windshield and visibility sucked. Looking through a full windshield is miserable when it's raining. the new windshield is lower and I look over the top. I do get wetter with the shorter Windshield but visibility is a 100% better.

This morning was a case in point, I rode the bike to work, the back roads were fine the highway fantastic, the only place I got wet was from the knees down.  the fairing put the rain over your head and around you to the sides, sure if I hit a deep puddle the water shoots up my nose but that makes me laugh. The only bad part about this mornings ride was that I was going to work and the ride ended too soon.

I'm sure when colder weather arrives my tune will change, cold and wet is not usually enjoyable, but for now...I'll just keep riding.


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