Monday, August 29, 2011

I just love technology

Let's see, I have an oil fired furnace, a gas stove, and I have gas hot water heater. You have to love the twenty first century. It is amazing how much our lives revolve around electricity. No power means there is no way the oil fired furnace will run. I have hot water but without power the water pump doesn't pull the water out of the well to get the hot water to the faucet, so no hot water, no cold water. We live in the land of microwave cooking and cell phones. The microwave is a useless waste of space on the counter and the cell towers had trouble during the storm. The regular phone worked all day. I do have a fireplace so I can heat the place if I have to, except I keep no wood because I never use the fireplace. I can't wash the clothes with out water and power, but I have a gas dryer and it needs power to operate. There is no TV and no cable, it gets dark around 7pm and I mean DARK. Video games are useless as is a computer. I have a laptop with a battery pack, I had operating phones so, if I had a modem that didn't require electricity I would have been cruising the net. So instead, we sat around a dark house with a couple candles and a kerosene lamp burning. We listened to the radio on a portable battery powered unit, but at 7pm with the radio station saying they were expecting more storm in the afternoon you realized it was pre-recorded, and the bulletins were about useless. Now there is one good thing I have that another member of the club does not, he is a techno-fool, loves new stuff. he got rid of his wood stove and went with a pellet stove, it is a lot easier to keep fuel and a lot less hassle to get it. He also bought a gas stove. my gas stove has gas pilot lights his has electric ignitors, and electric fuel valves, so what he has is a electric stove that uses gas. So he has no stove. And his pellet stove? That's right, it requires electricity to run so he couldn't even throw a coffee pot on top to make coffee the way he could with the wood stove.

So in a sense without electricity we became Amish.

The only good thing about technology, is that we record everything digitally, so in a couple hundred years long after we use all the worlds resources and become extinct, anyone visiting this planet will have no history of our race after 1980, there will be no film, because we don't use it anymore, even our newspaper history files will be gone because they are stored electronically, the good thing is they won't have pictures of those of us who did what we did to end it all, no 'proof' per say.


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