Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday at the Hartford Ct. Motorcycle Expo

I arrived at the Expo at around 1015am, having stopped for a coffee and smoke then having both in the Expo parking lot. I Beat the crowds..(if there were any) as you will see from the pictures it wasn't very crowded.

 I walked in and found the VP and treasurer hard at work talking to vendors, both were smiling. Vendor recruitment went well with quite a few signing up for the 2011 New London Motorcycle Club Bike Blessing.

 But enough about that, back at the NLMC tent I found three other members holding down recruitment duties,

but like the Vendor recruitment...enough of that also...

Let's face it, A Motorcycle Expo is by definition about...Motorcycles. And there were a couple there...

The other item a Motorcycle Expo would be about would be...the Vendors...

Now I make no secret of the fact that I personally do not care for Sport bikes, I prefer Touring. But as far as best looking bike of the opinion..

Of course...I always have been a fan of...The Dark Knight.

But how about...lights without bulbs?  Ever heard of it?  It's called "Electric Paint"
and I have no idea how it works...but it does...and it's cool.

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