Monday, June 10, 2013

Vacations and food

I have noticed that for some reason, when I leave on vacation, all the food I have purchased and brought into work gets devoured.
I find this funny because I can spend $500.00 on food, load the freezer with meats and the fridge with everything else and no one eats it unless I suggest it. Even then they don't always want the food. But if I'm not here, it's as if there was a free for all. When I come back and ask what happened I always get the same answer, "We were broke". (As if when I am here they get paid more).

Anyway...Jason is on Vacation...And I want to say...The english muffins were great, the peanut butter is good, but that Dark Chocolate Peanut butter combo...don't buy that's nasty. 

Oh yeah, how about a better variety of soups too, Baked Potato and steak with cheese ?  Chicken and Corn Chowder?  If it says Potatos first, that's what it is, Potatos with cheese and steak juice.

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