Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't you love Raspberry flavor

One of my favorite drinks is Raspberry tea, and I love Raspberry cheesecake. There are many thing you can find that have Raspberry flavor,,,let me show you..

Beaver!!!!   Raspberry flavored Beaver?
Before anyone starts getting the "in-correct" connotations of the above animal, let me explain.

Beavers do not taste like raspberries, well, actually..they might, I have never tried it and it all depends on where you are willing to lick them.

You see, Raspberry flavor comes from a substance called "Castoreum" this product is used in items that either smell or taste like Raspberries. It is used in perfumes, ice cream, jams, jelly's, candies, and well, the list goes on and on.
Castoreum comes out of a beaver’s behind – it’s extracted from their anal glands. Actually it is the exudate from the Castor sacs of the mature North American Beaver, it is a yellowish secretion which in combination with the beavers urine is used to mark territory. Both male and female beavers possess a pair of Castor sacs and a pair of anal glands located in two cavities under the skin between the pelvis and the base of the tail.
Oh by the way, it is also used in Strawberries and Vanilla flavors.

But don't panic
First, it is used more in the Scandinavia countries than here, but, it used here.
Secondly...you have probably eaten a lot worse...it's just that you don't know it.

If it makes you feel any better...
as I am typing this I am drinking a nice hot cup of Raspberry Tea...
or is it...
Beaver Butt tea?

Mmmmmmmm   Tasty either way.


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