The Club had a good turnout for the Thimble Island Ride, A.O.B. was 10am at Dunkin Donuts,Montville Ct. (Where Else?). After the morning coffee and bull session, the Club mounted up and headed down 32 to 163, picked up 395 south to 95 south for a meet at the rest area in Madison with the western contingent. From this point the Road Cap. moved aside and handed the lead to Mister Natale. We did have one moment on the highway when a car following a boat in the slow lane decided he had enough of being stuck there and cut left to pass the boat. The problem was the formation was there. After a few horns, some verbal abuse and a couple dozen I95 waves, he tucked his tail between his legs and his car back in his own lane. His move left was REAL close to being messy with Hazlet recieving the impact.
Once Natale was in charge,he led us down 95 to Branford and Leete's Island to Thimble Island road, (Jo was dockside) once there we parked the bikes and jumped on a tour boat. The boat (bar open, always a good thing) proceeded out and around the islands showing us that there are people still around with way too much money. I mean, Palm Trees? They bring them out in the summer, plant them around the island estates so these people can believe they are in the Carib, then three months later the trees are removed and stored in a green house until the following year.
Finished with the boat ride, Natale took us back along the shoreline on rte 146 to Guilford where we stooped for Lunch at..."The Place".
After eating the Club set off on the roads again, heading for, what else, Ice Cream. Natale took us up through the areas backroads, through Fanghorn Forest to Durham.
You do tend to get thirsty during summer rides but that is not the case here, the Club is actually across the street trying to eat ice cream before it melts.
Leaving there we continued up 17 crossing over more back roads to rte 154, which brought us down to rte 82, across the Ct river and back to Salem 4 corners where the entire formation broke up in diferent directions.
In an effort to make the rides more enjoyable...
there was a "Special Gift Run" put on during the ride, where anyone quick and agile enough could have won a new hat or Cash.
Both were dropped along the way and while many in the back saw the gifts go by, they were not able to collect the goodies.
The hat was donated by Jim, the Cash by me.
Maybe I'll use twenties on the Chicken Run.
PS: Arriving at Dunkin Donuts on 85 in Waterford I found that not all the give-a-way cash made the drop, found some of it caught between
Leaving there we continued up 17 crossing over more back roads to rte 154, which brought us down to rte 82, across the Ct river and back to Salem 4 corners where the entire formation broke up in diferent directions.
In an effort to make the rides more enjoyable...
there was a "Special Gift Run" put on during the ride, where anyone quick and agile enough could have won a new hat or Cash.
Both were dropped along the way and while many in the back saw the gifts go by, they were not able to collect the goodies.
The hat was donated by Jim, the Cash by me.
Maybe I'll use twenties on the Chicken Run.
PS: Arriving at Dunkin Donuts on 85 in Waterford I found that not all the give-a-way cash made the drop, found some of it caught between